6 Ways to Be Your Own Guru

What geniuses or sages of the past brought through was amazing, and yes it’s hard not to get sucked into the idea that only they could be the Buddha or the Christ because everyone’s made such a faux-humble fuss of them, but you, yourself can channel the very same, pure wisdom, relevant to this moment TODAY! 

Burn me at the stake but those past moments back then that the old Masters and Mistresses were channeling were not as relevant to this today-moment of your life as what you, yourself, can hear, right now, by emptying and opening. Everyone has this ability, EVEN YOU. We don’t need gurus to tell us what to do when we have ourselves. 

It’s not arrogant or sacrilegious to use and enjoy your own amazing cosmic CB Radio receiver. It’s a far better life to live according to those messages and offerings than the usual Headfuck FM radio station of the worried ego constantly trying to keep us safe and manically protecting us from ever looking stupid or weak.

Art by Serge Seidilitz*

Here’s 6 practical ways you can open your own hotline to that wonderful, illuminating and inspiring wisdom and peace we humans are so capable of:


  • Allow yourself to feel uncomfortable. Feeling resistance to all that isn’t immediately pleasurable or comfortable is an important part of entering a state of empty receptivity and deep listening. Letting go of what you know or of what is tangible and easy to hold on to can feel understandably edgy but in order to listen, we have to be able to feel the squirmy sensations of discomfort and not grab for distractions or seek only the feelings we consider “good”.


  • Listen to yourself and trust what you hear. Entering this place of deep listening comes from creating moments for it day by day so that a space opens up to be able to hear what is really going on. Trust whatever comes up in this space. 
  • Get out of your way. There is no ‘writer’s block’, only a rejection of the edgy, vulnerable feeling that arises in the body when you look at your guitar or laptop or paints and feel that sinking feeling. It’s just the ego not wanting to let go into that less predictable, uncontrolled place where our surrendered Yin opens and none of the strategies we’re so used to living by are useful or relevant. 
  • Dare to open your own hotline to wisdom. Sure, we can use the teachings of someone before us to trigger our own channel to open and bring in the relevant wisdom of the ‘Now’, but I urge you to dare to make opening to your own unique channel, even though it can feel weird or spooky at first. What happens when you ask yourself before you go to someone else?
  • Get curious. If your guitar or pen is triggering that sense of resistance, go deeper into just the feeling of it in the body, in a friendly, curious way, and soon, just by making a brief start, you’ll find yourself in the flow. 
  • Do all of the above every single day. Yes, if you’re inspired by Tantra or Yoga or any of the wise paths and doctrines, drink every uplifting mouthful – but I’d hazard against using it as a day by day substitute for what comes through when you open your own deep, listening, un-thinking hotline to the ever-generous ALL THAT IS. Make listening to yourself part of the everyday so it becomes as normal a part of existing as breathing or drinking water.



Message me if you’d like to try it. I do 1-1s that support this whole process. You don’t need a guru when you’ve got yourself but it can be helpful having a bit of support in unlearning all the crap we’ve accumulated over the years.


*art by Serge Seidlitz

& Here’s a little reminder infographic that you can save onto your phone, to remind you of the 6 steps each day: (by ardeacreative.com)



  1. Dear Jamie,

    Thanks so much for your post. I’m glad I’m on your mailing list, this was super useful to read just now as I’m waiting for my appointment to get the Dwp to stop my benefits now that maintenance is coming through. I wanted to apologise for being a bitch about your ‘real is the new sexy’ post. Even though I’m just about to be divorced and the process is just over, the abuse from soon to be exhusband is escalating worse than it’s ever been over the last 3.5 years since this process began. He’s been trying to force a sale of our house for as little as possible. I know the whole story is completely irrelevant and I’m grateful that deep down I have trust that whatever’s gonna happen will be for the best. But I just wanted to apologise for being a bitch the other day, I even told the cat to fuck off the day after that.

    Many thanks for all that you do and keep up the good work,


    Sent from my iPhone


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